Cultivate Calmness In Your Child's World.

All around us, there's noise.

For our children, the world can be a busy and confusing place. There's a lot to take in and a lot to process.

As parents, we can't turn the noise of the world off for them, but we can find ways to turn down its volume.

That's where Calm Ideas comes in.

Worry Cubby

Why My Worry Cubby?

My Worry Cubby is a house for your child’s worries. They write down anything that’s troubling them on a piece of paper and put it into My Worry Cubby. This simple ritual gives them a way to acknowledge their worries and then put them aside.

  • Positive & empowering action
  • Tangible tool to soothe a worried mind
  • Any age - children can write or draw their worries on the blank note pad
  • Psychologist recommended
  • Award winning


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Our Worry Cubby

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At Calm Ideas, we're allies to families of children experiencing anxiety.

We are not medical or psychological professionals, but parents driven by the fierce instinct to ease the distress of our children, and yours.

Helping kids who experience anxiety is hard, but dealing with it alone is even harder.

Easing the minds of little people with big feelings

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Bring their imagination to life

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What happens next?


Giving Back

Calm Ideas proudly supports Beyond Blue in their mission of supporting people affected by anxiety, depression and suicide.


A positive way to deal with worries!

"We highly recommend the Calm Ideas Worry Cubby. We got one for our daughter because she would hold onto her worries and at night, when the lights were out, would not stop thinking and worrying (finding it difficult to sleep).

We use the Worry Cubby of a night to jot down (or draw) her worries and then tuck them away. It is such a positive way to deal with them and has made a massive difference.

Thank you Calm Ideas! We are forever grateful for your creation."

Jade - mum of daughters 7 and 4

What a valuable product this has been for our family!

"I have a Worry Cubby in each of my children's rooms and they use it
regularly of their own accord. My 12-year-old son said "I had such a good
sleep because my worries were not in my head, they were in my Cubby".

Thank you for this beautiful product and for the excellent customer service.

I can't recommend it highly enough."

Erin - mum of 12 year old son, and daughters 9 and 7

Such a fantastic idea!

"My daughter has always had a hard time expressing her worries. We purchased
her a Worry Cubby a few weeks back, and it has been amazing! She isn't old
enough to write her worry, so she draws it.

Thank you Liz . You have created such an amazing product. With a big few
weeks ahead of us with school returing I know this is going to be a game
changer for us xxx"

Tenielle - mum of daughters 5, 4 and nearly 1

Thank you Calm Ideas for My Worry Cubby!

Such a great tool to empower children to acknowledge their feelings and
release their emotions.

The emotional climate of a classroom is paramount. We must give our students
the strategies.

Jana - teacher and mum of daughter, 3.

It was such a positive experience as a parent!

After having my daughter experience anxiety across a few facets of her life, I started to look for a tool that I could offer that also made me feel like I was doing something more proactive to help her.

Enter The Worry Cubby. I found this from the recommendation of a friend and it was such a welcome addition to our home. It was an instant relief for my daughter, it empowered her to name her feelings and free herself of the heavy load - she said she was able to sleep better by using The Worry Cubby.

It was such a positive experience as a parent to be able to provide the next level to words of comfort with a tool to vastly improve the process of an evening through to sleep, which was becoming increasingly distressing.

Thank you for providing this option which has helped improve my relationship with my daughter and has helped improve the relationship with herself!

Kate, mum to sons 15 and 12, and daughter 11