Welcome to Calm Ideas

Welcome to the culmination of 3 years of ideas, changes, learning and dreams.

We started Calm Ideas with the simple goal of helping kids.

As both a mum and primary school teacher, I see and live the effects of anxiety in a child's life. The struggle is very real. A simple worry can weigh a child down to the point where it changes them from a happy and carefree soul, to an angry, tired and sad individual.

We wanted to help. We wanted to create a step between a parent needing advice and them seeking medical help. When we needed something - a tool or strategy to help ease the burden of worry - there was nothing commercially available. So we decided to create it. The Worry Cubby was our answer, and we hope it will be yours, too.

The simple ritual of writing down the worry gives the child a way to put their worries aside, without undermining their feelings. It's a positive and empowering action that lets them step into a lighter place, giving them some breathing space and respite. 

Thank you for visiting Calm Ideas and our wish is that you leave here more confident to help and support your child than when you arrived.

Liz xxxx

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